At Rental Research, we feel that resident screening goes beyond the initial Instant Inquiry report you generate through us. It also includes how your resident performs while they are living at your property. That’s why we encourage everyone to use our free feature – our Renter Report Cards.

As the title implies, this involves more than just a system to report undesirable residents. Rental Research specifically designed the Renter Report Card to enable you to not only provide information on problem renters, but also report on residents with positive rental history! You can also supply information on renters whom you categorize as “neutral” (neither positive nor negative). Basically, you are “grading” your residents based on their performance! Use the Renter Report Card to reward the residents that performed as expected and as a passive collection tool for those who did not.

Submitting a Renter Report Card will help reduce the time involved when you are contacted for a rental reference, since you will no longer have to dig through a mountain of files to find an individual’s rental history. Simply supply the information to us and be done with it! User are allowed to both submit and edit their Renter Report Cards. After submission, these Report Cards instantly able to appear on all resident screening reports that any client of ours generates through our system (if they are specifically screening your resident).

Again, Renter Report Cards are free to use! Simply log in with your Rental Research account information and click on “Report Card”.